
Beyond the mandatory tax return filing, I collaborate closely with clients and their financial advisors to strategically optimize their current and future tax situation.

Tax Planning

Proactive tax planning will avoid unnecessary surprises and penalties and provide time to take action on available opportunities.


Tax Planning Events Include:

  • Marriage, divorce, loss of spouse

  • Change in employment status (new job, retired, started a new business)

  • Exercising employee stock options

  • Purchase or sale of rental property or primary home

  • Investment gains/losses

  • Inheritance 



Tax Preparation

The tax laws are increasingly complex and continually changing. Most taxpayers will benefit from the services of a qualified tax professional. Beyond preparing an accurate tax return, they anticipate changes to your tax situation.


Clients served include:

Individual investors

  • brokerage account

  • employee stock options

  • rental property


  • Sole proprietor

  • Single Member LLC

  • Service based business